TC Audit: Tracking Category List


This article is an introduction to the Tracking Category list tab in Data Dimensions. The Tracking Category list page will show data on Xero Tracking Categories and QBO Classes across your group in a single place.

This will help you identify when your data is incorrect. Examples include:

  • Misspelling Tracking Category names

  • Tracking Category set up in one of your entities.

  • Not having the correct number of Options in a group entity.

These examples might impact the accuracy of your group reporting.

  • When a Tracking Category does not exist in an entity with a red cell

  • When a Tracking does exist in an entity with a green cell

Navigating the Tracking Category List

Step 1: You can drilldown when Options are present this will take you to the Tracking Category Options tab. The Tracking Category Options tab will display all options for that entity.

See our guide on Tracking Category Options for a detailed explanation on the Tracking Category Options tab.

Adjusting the View

Step 2: You can select and filter the Tracking Categories you are viewing in the matrix by using the dropdown to select or deselect Tracking Categories.

Step 3: You can also filter the entities you are viewing using the entity dropdown.

Sorting Options

Step 4: Utilise the sorting feature to organise the data.

Step 5: Sort by column for a more specific arrangement.