Manual import


You can add an entity that is not supported by our current integrations by manually importing the data.

  1. Add a new entity

  2. Add and update data

Add a new entity

Navigate to Settings > Entities.

Click on the button "Connect Entity" and select "Manual import".

You will then be prompted to set the name of the entity, currency and year end.

Add and update data

We support a single column Trial Balance data import. This means that Debits are represented as positive amounts and Credits as negative amounts.

To get started, download this template file {{ATTACH FILE}}. The file should contain the following columns.

Account Code

Account Name

Account Type


This can include numbers, letters and symbols.

This can include numbers, letters and symbols

Profit & Loss / Income Statement

  • Income

  • Other Income

  • Cost of Sales

  • Expense

Balance Sheet accounts

  • Bank

  • Fixed Asset

  • Current Asset

  • Other Asset

  • Current Liability

  • Other Liability

  • Credit Card

  • Equity

You can add more periods as additional columns in your import. The column header should be formatted as 20-23-11.

  • We will only import a Trial Balance if the balance equals to zero.

  • You can import multiple months at one time. They do not have to be consecutive months. Where the month has not been imported, we will assume that there were no transactions in the month.

  • To update the data of the period that has already been uploaded, you will need to upload all the data for the whole period.

  • Blank rows will be ignored

Invalid file

  • Incomplete rows (ie - has an account name, but no amount) will trigger an error message and the file will not be imported

This feature is currently in alpha. Please contact if you'd like early access.